November 19, 2010

If Pubes Could Talk: Waxing Tips for Men

"Manscaping", "Manzillian" These are just a few of the terms used to describe men's bikini waxing. Lets face it guys want to be smooth too! Some men do want to look like those slick skinned oiled up Dolce and Gabbana models, and trust me guys, your girls or guys want you to look that way too! Or maybe you just want to go to the beach but are embarrassed because your body looks like chewbacca (It's natural!)

Either way how do you get past your fear of picking up the phone, calling your local spa or salon and asking those dreaded words "Do you wax men?" In this post I'll teach you how to get your pubic hairs (and all other hair) removed from your body in the classiest way with the least amount of pain possible. Here goes. 

Tip One: Do Your Research!

If you have ever had a bad waxing experience it's probably because you didn't ask questions before or during the booking of your waxing appointment. It's always important to do your research on the place your going to bare it all before you bare it all and leave yourself vulnerable. Some smart questions to ask: While booking your appointment:
  • "What type of wax do you use?"  There are two different types of waxes that are used for hair removal. "strip wax" and "hard wax". 
    • Strip wax is usually used on larger parts of the body i.e. Chest, Back, legs and arms. It's placed then removed with a strip of palin (looks like white paper). Your esthetician should apply baby powder to your skin before hand so the wax only sticks to the hair not your skin. It you don't see them reaching for powder then "Houston you've got a problem!".
    • Hard wax is usually used for smaller areas of the body: underarms, bikini area, and the face. This wax is placed and removed by peeling it off the skin. Baby oil is applied before hair removal so the wax doesn't stick to the skin. 
It's good to know what type of wax is being used during your service because strip wax isn't always the best choice for more ethnic skin types. It can lift sensitive skin easier causing pigmentation spots. Hard wax is sometimes preferred because it can be applied to the same area more than one without damaging the skin.
  • "Do you use a numbing solution?" Numbing or "desensitizing solutions" contain two active ingredients: Lidocaine or Benzocaine. These ingredients work to numb the surface of the skin and take the sting out of waxing.
    • Some spa's sell numbing solutions for guests to take home and use before coming in for their waxing service others apply the numbing solution during the service.
    • Taking an Advil or Tylenol 30 minutes before waxing will also help to brighten your experience.
  • "Do you drape?"
    • Depending on the waxing service your getting some estheticians will drape certain areas to make clients feel comfortable. Draping is a personal preference for each esthetician, but it's good to know.

Tip Two: Trim before you go in!

This is important so read closely. Hair growth is a constant activity in the body processes. It's essential that your hair isn't too short or too long when you go in for a waxing service because your esthetician must be able to remove your hair from the root while all hair is the same length. Once this is achieved hair growth will slow down and soften.
  • Hair should be a quarter of an inch if it's fine and half an inch if it's coarse. This length is necessary In order to get the best results from your service. 
Final Tip: Just do it!

The outcome of depilatory waxing is very rewarding. You will have smoother exfoliated skin and hair will grow back slower and softer. Good luck guys!

    Funny Story About a Guy Who Braved a Manzillian


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